Monday, May 3, 2010


Rejuvology™ - the science of living a healthy, joyous fulfilled life in your boomer years by rejuvenating, reinventing and redefining your life!

Rejuvenate – to restore to former appearance; to feel young again

Reinvent – to make or make over; to revive

Redefine – to bring forth a new meaning; to live your life anew

Boomers rejuvenate, redefine and reinvent your life as often as you like and whenever you desire. There is no time certain when this change will happen. The only certainty is that you will change! Change is constant and inevitable; the beauty of Rejuvology™ is that you get to choose your change, you choose when to rejuvenate your life. Choosing your change empowers and supports you to live the lifestyle you desire and deserve.

When your life and lifestyle is no longer congruent with who you are and who you're becoming; boomers realize it's up to you to make a difference.

Rejuvology™ is the science that supports you in your change. Rejuvology™ empowers you to tell your spouse, children, grandchildren and friends just what you're doing in a way that they understand and become your cheering squad.

There are 7 Steps to take when using the science of
Rejuvology™. In this post the first step is given for using Rejuvology™, to design create and implement your new lifestyle? The first step in rejuvenating your life using Rejuvology™ is to acknowledge the feelings you’re having that demand attention in a way that screams it’s time for a change.

When almost everything around you is out of balance, when you want to cry for no apparent reason, when you sometimes just don’t want to get out of bed, it’s time for Rejuvology™. You know you’re ready for something different in your life so begin by making a small decision to change one thing and follow through.

You’ll be so glad you did!


Inez Bracy